Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Character Story

Hello again!!! It's Sebas the Barca fan!!! Today Manchester City plays Real Madrid, I don't know who I want to win, either team have won too many things in the recent years and have to give a better chance to the other teams. Anyways, today we are discussing our character and their development, we will be discussing reasons behind the names, our characters personality, etc.

We chose Leo as the main characters name due to many reasons, for example, Leo is a really simple name, yet so popular throughout the world. Leo is also an easy name to remember as we want the viewer to remember our character easily. Leo, despite being a very simple name, has many meaning behind it. Leo is linked to Latin roots, meaning Lion, Lions are ferocious, strong, brave, and curious. We wanted our character's name to signify a part of our characters personality. Since we wanted our character to have this sort of personality. This personality choice comes from the fact that he's enduring this. We've also named other characters, for example, we named our entity as Erebus, this is due to the meaning behind the name. We wanted our entity to be dark and mysterious, and sort of in disguise to a point where it is unrecognizable on screen. The name Erebus helps add on to this, it is the name of the Greek God Erebus, the name means darkness and deep shadow. This helps convey the dark and shadowy suspense brought by this entity. The film will also be named behind the entity, Erebus

On the other hand, the therapist, will be mainly unnamed. The therapist is the person Leo resorts to talking to while he goes through this. The therapist also can't help Leo with his situation with Erebus as she doesn't fully believe him and besides, she can't see Erebus anyways and hasn't had to help anyone within a certain circumstance. Despite all this, she still attempts to help Leo out with his dilemma.

We made a mood board for our character Leo, we wanted him to have a sort of a personality that a teenager who likes to focus on themselves, build upon their strength. For example, we have a picture of the statue of Atlas to signify the strength and endurance of Leo. Leo also deeply loves music, especially, metal and punk rock, we decided to add this to his personalities list. The board also consists of a guy who appears to be stressed, this is to show Leo's turmoil within what he's undergoing as it causes him much stress.

Do you think out ideas are good?

Thanks for reading my blog!!! SOM-HI BARCA, TREBLE SOON.

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