Sunday, March 9, 2025

Editing Blog #2

 Hello!!! Sebas the Barca fan here!!! Today is a weird day, as a Barca fan Atletico Madrid lost their game 2-1 and Madrid won theirs 2-1 leaving Barca still in first even though we have a game at hand. We also have our home game against Benfica on Tuesday at 1:45 pm I hope we can prevail and push through to the quarter finals. Anyways, today our topic is also about our editing process, this time it's about us actually editing our video, yet not complete, we have made a ton of progress with our editing. The part I am most proud of as well is the ending.

Editing is hard and easy at the same time, there are many aspects in which you can most likely find a YouTube tutorial to help you with a part of the editing. Then, there were somethings we wanted to implement yet we didn't know how and scoured through the whole internet and were yet able to find what we wanted. Besides all this, we still came on top and were able to make a ton of progress in editing today. We just have to do some tweaks during the week and hopefully be done by the weekend.

This is a video of how our title card turned out, we are really proud of it, we got it to look good and celebrated with spamming our group chat. We are really proud of this since it looks amazing and turned out better than we had envisioned. This overall makes us really proud and happy of how our film is turning out. We hope that we can end up finishing and that our final product is at the level to win an Oscar hahaha.

This is a photo of our current timeline as well; it is not fully complete so it doesn't look too filled up but I'm sure when we finish editing it would look completely filled.

Besides that, thanks for reading my blog today!! Visca Barca!!! Let's hope for a win on Tuesday.

Barca chant of the week: 

Name: Del Barca som I serem

Del Barça som i serem
I avui també guanyarem
Pel Barça, pel Barça i per Catalunya
Fins a la mort lluitarem
Lolololo, lolololo, lolololo


We are and will always be for Barça
And today we will also win
For Barça, for Barça and for Catalonia
Until the death we will fight
Lolololo, lolololo, lolololo

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Editing Blog #1

 Hello! Sebas the Barca fan here with sad news, the Barca game today had gotten cancelled due to the death of the medical staff first team doctor Carles Miñarro Garcia, this sad news unfortunately came across 30 minutes before the game. RIP. Besides that, today's topic is talking about our editing about our film!!

Today we planned our editing more than doing the actual editing, for example we thought of what sounds we would use, the fonts for the title card, etc. 

This photo represents the types of fonts that we have thought to use, we already know the color is going to be red, yet we don't know which font would look best. This is currently on premiere pro to edit and the implementation of each of these fonts looks great, yet we don't know which we want to use. We are leaning more towards using the American slasher font for the big title text and euprocin for the introduction of the producers, developers, actors, etc.

We also had to plan to see if the footage we had was enough before editing, we did the math of all the scenes and actually ended up going a little bit over but most of our videos start and pause a little bit before and after the actual acting and filming is done.

That's it for my blog today!!!! Thanks for reading my blog today!!! Descansa en pau Carles.

Friday, March 7, 2025

CCR prep question #1

 Hello!!!! Sebas the Barca fan here!!! Today is finally Friday after a long brutal week, tomorrow is also the day Barca plays which I am plenty excited about, as we can possibly gain a higher point lead against the other teams in the league!!! Besides that, today I will be doing my CCR practice questions!!!

My practice question of today is:
How did your production skills develop throughout the project?

Well, my production skills got better after many things, the first thing being problem solving. We overcame many problems throughout our production process. For example, when we found out we weren't able to use the drone, we had to overcome that problem by climbing a tree to film the scenes which we needed to film. I personally had to problem solve when I found out that I left the black hoodie which I was going to use at school, I had contacted Nico to lend me his black hoodie since I knew he had one on him.

(Photo of the drone that we weren't able to use)

My production skills also developed in the aspect of acting, now, I am no actor, and wow. I have to give props to professional actors as acting in front of people is not easy all while making it seem real. One can just laugh so easily as it can get awkward. I feel like my acting improved as towards the end I didn't smile as much or laugh as much either.

My production skills also developed in the aspect of filming, implementing the type of shots and strategies that we learned in class to make a film feel more realistic or convey a certain message is not easy, yet we were still able to do it, it was a long process of failures and success but in the end we were able to make do of what we had to make the film look as good as possible. I certainly hope that my ideas came out good. Implementing some shot types to make it look perfect and stable is not as easy as it looks or sounds, so once again, I have to give my props to anyone who works in filming things just like that as it is not easy to be able to produce something like this. I believe anyone who works in this is underappreciated by many viewers as well as it is not only the actors who make a move good.

Thanks for reading my blog!!!! VISCA BARCA I VISCA CATALUNYA!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Shooting Process

Hello!!! Sebas the Barca fan!!! It is the day after Wednesday, which means, BARCA PLAYED YESTERDAY. Barca having had played yesterday was amazing, we had a tough game against Benfica though. We got an early red by pau Cubarsi giving Benfica the advantage yet somehow, by a Szczesny masterclass and Pedri as well, plus Raphinha's goal, we were able to be the bigger team and win 1-0 even though we were in a 10v11. Now we have to wait for the second leg at home next Tuesday. Besides that, Wednesday was also a special day since it was the day we recorded! A lot of things happened this day, it was quite a long day to say the least. But today's topic is the Shooting Process of our opening film and the events that took place this day!!!

Here are some photos of use filming last night:

This is Nico getting into his costume right before filming the scene he was in!!!

This is when things got hard, after we finished filming, it was around 10 pm and Nicos car was not starting so we had to get my car to try to fix it. We tried everything and nothing worked so we had to leave his car overnight, thankfully he went back later at night with his dad who used to be a mechanic and were able to get his car working.

This is a photo of us trying to set up the drone, we tried putting a phone on the bottom to fly it like that since the camera quality wasn't working but the weight was too much for the drone causing us to have to find another solution to the problem. In the end, we just had to get Nico climb a tree and had to do the shot a different way than we'd like to, it still turned out great.

This is the setup of the dining table we had for the dining table scene we had; it turned out amazing, it was filmed at night just for info. This is where the climax happens.

This is a video of us filming the title scene!! Where the title will be shown, this was filmed from a tree as our drone was not working as previously stated. It turned out amazing on video and we are excited to edit it as well.

This is a setup of one of the props, the kinfe!!! this is the weapon Nico will be using for his character!!!

Thank you for reading my blog today!! SOM-HI BARCA!!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Obstacle/Issues We've Gone Through

 HELLO AGAIN!!!!!!!! BARCA WON 4-0 AGAINST REAL SOCIEDAD!!! This leaves the table with 1. Barca - 57 points, 2. Atletico Madrid - 56 points, 3. Real Madrid - 54 points!!!! Although it is a great step to winning the league, we still can't get too confident as anything can still happen with still around 10 more games being left. We also have to focus on our champions league game against Benfica this Wednesday which we need to win as it will be an away game, if we win, this will give us the upper hand at our home game. Anyways, Today's topic is about the obstacles or issues that we've faced during the production and planning of our film. Our film has had tons a preparation behind it, despite this, we are all quite busy people with other classes as well so dedicating tons of time on this project is ideal yet hard to manage as we also have multiple tests, especially next week for me at least. 

Planning when to meet to be able to film has already begun to be a problem with our group, not everyone can film at the same time, so we'd have to meet up separately sometimes as we also don't have indefinite time with the drone. We also weren't able to film this weekend as most of us had important things we already had planned way before, for example, Saturday I had a training for a job I will be taking during summer, this went on almost all day, and I didn't get back home until 9 pm and finish up my blog for yesterday. To solve this problem, we have already planned out times to meet during the week in which everyone can, for example, Wednesday this week. 


We've had many problems obtaining the equipment we need, for example, the drone took a lot of convincing to receive and it wasn't easy to use either. The camera we will be using will also be lent to us which also brought up a similar problem as to the drone.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Thanks for reading my blog today!!!!!! SOM-HI BARCA, we will be starting a new thing! Barca chant of the week!!!

Today's Barca chant of the week is!!!!

Jo Soc Supporter:

Jo soc supporter
T'animo al Gold Nord
Cada cop mes fort
Mai et deixarem
Van passant els anys
I tu, Barca, has de saber
Que sempre t'animare
Que mai sol caminaras

Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh     


I'm a supporter
I encourage you to score (basically hints at that)
Getting stronger and stronger
We will never leave you
The years go by
And you, Barça, must know
That I will always cheer you up
That you will never walk alone
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh 

Costume creation

 HELLO THERE!!!!!!!!! REAL MADRID LOST TODAY 2-1 TO REAL BETIS, ISCO, ONE OF MADRID'S EX PLAYERS CARRIED BETIS TO BEAT MADRID. On the other hand, Atletico Madrid beat Atletico Bilbao 1-0 causing Atletico Madrid to go into first place as of now and Real Madrid into third place. If Barca win tomorrow, we'd be clear of Real Madrid by 3 points and Atletico Madrid by one point. Anyways, today's topic is costume creation. Costumes play a big role within the setting and tone of a film. One wouldn't wear a bright pink shirt that says "Fri-yay" in a medieval film. The costume helps set the tone of a film just how the setting does. The use of costuming can also tell a story, for example, color on clothes may hint at things. For example, in the notebook, when Noah is eating with Allie's family, contrast is creating just based off of what they are wearing. Noah is wearing a black shirt while everyone else is white. This hints at the fact that Noah is different from everyone else as Allie's family is wealthy and Noah is on the lower-class side, this also causes him to stand out to the viewers.

This is a picture of the moment this scene happened.

The type of costume creation that we will implement:
Our film won't need too much use of costume creation, this is due to the fact as there are many characters with simple clothing styles, especially Leo's family. Leo too will have simple costuming; He usually wears darker clothes. The only costume that will be complicated is the costume for Erebus, we will either have to hand make a dark costume for Erebus that will fit, we already have a hat we might implement within our film, and we will also have some rips within Erebus's clothes. I might lend my suit pants that are currently sitting next to me this moment.

Thanks for reading my blog today!!! VISCA BARCA!!!!

Friday, February 28, 2025

Foley Sound creation

 Hello!! Sebas the Barca fan here!! Today there is no new Barca news unfortunately, so we can make our own news!!1 Barca is the best team hahahaha!!! You know what else can be made on our own? Foley sound! Foley sound is the creation of sounds from things within the film using different objects to create the sound for a film or production of something. For example, the clash of two swords might be just to pieces of metal rods clashing in a foley room or the sound of plastic wrapper may be the sound of paper in a foley room.

These are two examples of what foley rooms are like, they are basically rooms just full of random objects to make different sounds. They play an important aspect in films as without the foley sounds, some of the sounds would be extremely hard to get or just annoying to get. With the foley room, you can achieve getting these sounds easily.

How will we implement foley sounds within our film?
We will implement foley sounds within our film in multiple ways, one example we are still debating on will be the use of scraping a metal fork against a sheet of metal to make the screech sound for when Erebus appears in Leo's visions. We would need foley for a lot of things within our film which is why the use of it would be very important to implement as we can then get sounds that are hard to find online.

Thanks for reading my blog today!!! SOM-HI BARCA let's hope for the loss of Real Madrid tomorrow versus Real Betis and Barca win on Sunday.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Location Scouting

 Hey there!!! Sebas the Barca fan is back once again!!! A very eventful week has gone by, Barca tied to Atletico Madrid 4-4 and Real Madrid beat Real Sociedad 1-0, Barca's chances to the Copa Del Rey final are very 50/50 as Atletico de Madrid is a good team. We just need to win our away game at "El Metropolitano" in Madrid. Anyways, today our topic is Location Scouting, yes, I have done a similar blog, that one was more about explaining the type of location we would need, and this one is mainly about finding the actual filming location to where we will film. Our group has already thought of various locations to film our opening.

Film Scouting 1:
Our first scouted place to film at was one of our partners houses, it's simples yet has good lighting due to the vast open space, the dining table is also a big, well sized dining table to be able to use. The lighting will also be pretty good and the area to film will also be perfect to hide the entity within. The setting is very good as it is what one would honestly expect within a move just like its type.

Film Scouting 2:
Our second filming place would most likely be my car, this is due to a short part of the scenes going to be filmed within my car, my car was chosen as it is the type of car our character would have. My car is all black even up to the rims. That is the exact reason we chose my car as it fits my characters personality and would most likely be the type of car Leo would drive. 

This is the inside of my car, it may not be the nicest, but sure is good enough for me!! It fits perfectly fine, 99% of the cars color scheme fits to be for Leo.

Thanks for reading my blog, VISCA BARCA!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Audio Post

 Hello, Sebas the Barca fan here!! Unfortunately, Madrid won their game 2-0 earlier today, despite this, Barca is still in first with Madrid in close second and Atletico Madrid in a close third as well. The title race in LaLiga is becoming closer and closer by the second and even better by the day. The games are closer and closer and with Copa Del Rey coming up on Tuesday and Champions League games coming up as well the next week. The games will become very interesting, but I still believe in a Barca treble this season, I can feel it. Besides this, Today's topic will be about Audio. Audio plays a large role within horror movies, especially within suspenseful scenes, a horror movie with the wrong sounds may come out bad and not be as good as one may want it to be.

How we will implement sound, sound will most likely be present with every second of the opening, this sound will most likely be used for suspense for when anything seems to be about to happen and also for the scene where everything turns dark and causes dismay within Leo. Loud breathing to show Leo's nervousness, loud eerie sounds to build suspense, and also no sound after the loud eerie sounds can also help to build suspense.

I believe Horror movies are not horror movies without the sound they use. A video was once made, where they got the clip of a horror movie during one of the supposed scary encounters with the creature, they then added happy music behind it, one you would usually dance to. The video was not scary at all after that, this comes to show the importance of sound within horror movies.|

Thank you for reading my blog today!!! Visca Barca, Una victoria arribara dimarts!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Mise-en-scene: Costuming

 Hello!!! Sebas the Barca fan here! Today Barca won their respective game! This 2-0 win against Las Palmas puts us back in first place for the game week, the Ferran Torres banger and as well as Dani Olmos masterclass of a goal was the catalyst to our win. now it's just time to hope Real Madrid ties or loses tomorrow so they aren't 2nd place and being very close behind us. Atletico Madrid also won their game putting them only a point behind as well. Besides that, today our topic is about the costuming of our characters.

Leo is a simple man; he doesn't put on too many clothes and his clothes usually don't contrast. Leo would most likely put on the first thing he sees and walk out with it. Most of his closet is also filled with dark black clothes, this dark clothing will be used within the film opening. The dark clothes are meant to create a contrast with the family members light colored clothes. This is to create contrast within his family and him and also to center the attention of the viewer towards Leo. Leo would most likely, in an occasion like this, just be wearing dark long pants or sweatpants with a black shirt or hoodie on the top and dark shoes as well. His coloring is also set to represent his problem with the entity of "darkness and shadows" otherwise known as Erebus. 

These are two representations of what Leo would wear and the types of clothes in his closet.

Erebus has somewhat of a complicated outfit, this is due to the complications of creating a good outfit for the entity that can instill fear. Once again, Erebus will be in all black and will have a tall standing, somewhat deformed figure, because of this, Erebus's costuming will be complicated to create. The colors will be all black to symbolize back the name Erebus which means "The God of darkness and shadow." The costuming of the creature will most likely be a suit that fills the whole body and makes the entity look shadowy.

This is a representation of what Erebus would look like with the right resources, it might not look exactly like this but we would try our best to achieve something like this.

Thanks for viewing my blog today!!!!! SOM-HI BARCA, El Madrid perdra dema

Friday, February 21, 2025

Mise-en-scene: Setting

Hello!!! It's Sebas the Barca fan again!! Today we will be talking about the mise-en-scene of the film opening we are creating, more specifically, the setting of the film. The setting of the film is arguably one of the most important aspects of a film. You can't film a horror movie in a unicorn land obviously. Obviously, you'd need a darker more eerie setting for a horror movie. Every aspect of the setting counts, including pieces of furniture or props.

Location #1 

This is a picture of my kitchen, it's just an example, yet could end up being the filming location. We want a kitchen like this to be able to be able to film at as most of our opening scene will be filmed in a kitchen. The lighting will also be different as it's going to be nighttime.

Location #2

This is a photo of my car, this is most likely where we will be filming the scene inside the car, it will be nighttime as the rest of our film. We will also most likely have a drone shot of the car driving as one our group members says he can maybe get his hands on a drone

Thanks for reading my blog today!!!! Visca Barca y Visca Catalunya!!!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Character Story

Hello again!!! It's Sebas the Barca fan!!! Today Manchester City plays Real Madrid, I don't know who I want to win, either team have won too many things in the recent years and have to give a better chance to the other teams. Anyways, today we are discussing our character and their development, we will be discussing reasons behind the names, our characters personality, etc.

We chose Leo as the main characters name due to many reasons, for example, Leo is a really simple name, yet so popular throughout the world. Leo is also an easy name to remember as we want the viewer to remember our character easily. Leo, despite being a very simple name, has many meaning behind it. Leo is linked to Latin roots, meaning Lion, Lions are ferocious, strong, brave, and curious. We wanted our character's name to signify a part of our characters personality. Since we wanted our character to have this sort of personality. This personality choice comes from the fact that he's enduring this. We've also named other characters, for example, we named our entity as Erebus, this is due to the meaning behind the name. We wanted our entity to be dark and mysterious, and sort of in disguise to a point where it is unrecognizable on screen. The name Erebus helps add on to this, it is the name of the Greek God Erebus, the name means darkness and deep shadow. This helps convey the dark and shadowy suspense brought by this entity. The film will also be named behind the entity, Erebus

On the other hand, the therapist, will be mainly unnamed. The therapist is the person Leo resorts to talking to while he goes through this. The therapist also can't help Leo with his situation with Erebus as she doesn't fully believe him and besides, she can't see Erebus anyways and hasn't had to help anyone within a certain circumstance. Despite all this, she still attempts to help Leo out with his dilemma.

We made a mood board for our character Leo, we wanted him to have a sort of a personality that a teenager who likes to focus on themselves, build upon their strength. For example, we have a picture of the statue of Atlas to signify the strength and endurance of Leo. Leo also deeply loves music, especially, metal and punk rock, we decided to add this to his personalities list. The board also consists of a guy who appears to be stressed, this is to show Leo's turmoil within what he's undergoing as it causes him much stress.

Do you think out ideas are good?

Thanks for reading my blog!!! SOM-HI BARCA, TREBLE SOON.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Media Theory Implementation Theory

 Hello!!! Sebas the Barca fan here!!! No new Barca news today, only thing is that our defender Araujo is finally back from injury and will be available to play tomorrow!!! Besides that, today I will be talking about how I will implement a media theory into my opening theory. The theory I would like to implement within my opening film is the Hermeneutic theory otherwise known as the Enigma Code theory.

The Hermeneutic theory is when a narrative withholds information to develop a mystery or leave a plot point unexplained. Roland Barthes, the one who came up with the 5 narrative codes (The Hermeneutic, Proairetic, Semantic, Symbolic, and Cultural codes), said that the use of partial answers may also be used but usually, the answer is kept away. These clues and delays to the answer keeps the viewer hooked to the film to want to know the answer. The Hermeneutic Theory or Enigma Code is commonly found in mystery or horror, this fits our genre.

Two good examples of the Enigma Code can be "Scream" (1996) and "Get out" (2017), these two movies take advantage of the Enigma Code to add suspense and mystery to the answer of these films. The smart use of the Enigma keeps the viewer engaged and hooked into the movie which is a key component as to why these movies are so well rated and popular.

How we will implement this into our opening, we will most likely have factors that involve with mystery, for example, something basic but we could do is the entity leaves something behind. Otherwise, we could just have no partial answer within our opening film and just leave it all to the imagination of the viewer what had happened. This would keep the viewer engaged for the rest of our film since they would be dying to know what happens

I chose this theory because it fits our genre very well, it also would make our film exceptionally better than what it could be and keep the viewers' attention.

Thank you for reading my vlog today!!! Let's hope Barca wins tomorrow again and SOM-HI BARCA!!!