Friday, March 7, 2025

CCR prep question #1

 Hello!!!! Sebas the Barca fan here!!! Today is finally Friday after a long brutal week, tomorrow is also the day Barca plays which I am plenty excited about, as we can possibly gain a higher point lead against the other teams in the league!!! Besides that, today I will be doing my CCR practice questions!!!

My practice question of today is:
How did your production skills develop throughout the project?

Well, my production skills got better after many things, the first thing being problem solving. We overcame many problems throughout our production process. For example, when we found out we weren't able to use the drone, we had to overcome that problem by climbing a tree to film the scenes which we needed to film. I personally had to problem solve when I found out that I left the black hoodie which I was going to use at school, I had contacted Nico to lend me his black hoodie since I knew he had one on him.

(Photo of the drone that we weren't able to use)

My production skills also developed in the aspect of acting, now, I am no actor, and wow. I have to give props to professional actors as acting in front of people is not easy all while making it seem real. One can just laugh so easily as it can get awkward. I feel like my acting improved as towards the end I didn't smile as much or laugh as much either.

My production skills also developed in the aspect of filming, implementing the type of shots and strategies that we learned in class to make a film feel more realistic or convey a certain message is not easy, yet we were still able to do it, it was a long process of failures and success but in the end we were able to make do of what we had to make the film look as good as possible. I certainly hope that my ideas came out good. Implementing some shot types to make it look perfect and stable is not as easy as it looks or sounds, so once again, I have to give my props to anyone who works in filming things just like that as it is not easy to be able to produce something like this. I believe anyone who works in this is underappreciated by many viewers as well as it is not only the actors who make a move good.

Thanks for reading my blog!!!! VISCA BARCA I VISCA CATALUNYA!!!!!!!!!

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