Monday, December 9, 2024

Music Marketing Blog #1

      Music Marketing Blog #1

Hello, we are currently working on a music marketing project where we have to market our own made-music artist. We are each given our own music genre and my groups was rock. Part of our music marketing project was to research an actual current band that is still active within the last 5 years. I decided to research about Red Hot Chili Peppers, they were on my top 5 on Spotify this year. I really like this band because of my dad and also because it is a band who makes really good music. Starting off we had to write about the band's history, then talk about what audience they appeal to. This part was very interesting as I learned things about the band I hadn't known and now I feel like an even bigger fan due to the research. I also researched different ways the band markets themselves in the online world and real world. In the online world they have many social media accounts and are even available in a broad number of platforms to play their music such as Spotify or Apple Music. In the offline world, the band may use things such as concerts and merchandise to promote themselves throughout the world.

        Our planning process went great, we flew through the whole process and were able to finish our storyboard quickly and even give roles out to everyone. This planning had helped us in a great way we wouldn't have had imagined. If it wasn't for the planning, we'd probably still be debating what days to record but now we have already chosen days to record and even recorded a majority of parts of our video. Based off our planning, everything should be completed by Sunday night through Monday night. Our next and final recording day is Thursday in which meanwhile we will be working on the presentation and tweaking it. That's it for today, see you next blog!!!

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