Sunday, February 2, 2025

2 Genre Possibility

I have had many ideas I've been between with each varying in genre, I have also had multiple classmates ask me to join their group to film together. I am not sure whether I should work alone or work in a group, working alone has its advantages like being able to film when you want calling all the shots. Working in a group makes everything easier, the filming, editing etc. Each one has its pros and cons.

I have thought of what type of genres I might want to work on for my portfolio project.

Horror or Suspense: 

I personally really like these types of movies, they make me feel suspenseful and I like that adrenaline I get watching these movies. Horror/Suspense movies do require a lot of sound, so the use of sound is key if I do go this route. These types of movies also usually have dark lighting, at night, or filmed in an uncanny location. I believe the most difficult part of filming horror is having good acting, good sound and music to build suspense and actually instill fear within the viewer, and having good editing, especially in horror chases or related stuff. Horror chases or any encounter with the entity that is haunting the protagonist usually have many cuts and edits and also hide the entity a lot as well till the moment of attack. The whole Horror genre won't work without good sound. 


As a person who has always liked superheroes, I've liked action movies a lot, especially the superhero type action movies. Action movies usually can be boring until the actually fight which is why they have to be done right. a movie I think did this right is Avengers: Endgame, to me the whole movie thought long, was entertaining throughout 85%-95% of the duration. In the fights, many shots are needed. especially quick shots of maximum 3 seconds showing each angle of the fight. I really like fights with a lot of editing or different angles as they make you feel that fast paced fighting and also helps you feel immersed within the fight. Everything happens so fast that it is nice to watch. Action movies usually do tend to follow similar plotlines, where there is the intro, then the problem is introduced, the protagonist attempts to solve the problem, but the antagonist is against solving the problem or in many cases the cause of the problem, then there's a fight between the protagonist and antagonist, and the protagonist 99% of the time wins. The predictability of action movies is what makes making action movies hard. Making a good action movie in my opinion needs a big plot twist or something new/different that can make the audience say "wow, this movie is amazing."

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