Friday, February 14, 2025

Script Blog Post!!

 Hello again! It's Sebas the Barca fan, as we enter the weekend preparing for the new game week and I wash my shirt to wear the day of the game, I do other things like these blog posts for my media class!!! We have created a script in which we basically describe every single detail of our opening film. The script uses many adjectives and descriptions to make it as accurate as can be. Scripts are necessary to have good acting as well, without one, the actors wouldn't know what to say or do. 

I've never written a script, what I have done is always daydream in class and make the best story that I think would bring in many Oscars. I am a very creative person; I play two instruments, and I think I got my creativity from here. Making this script kind of felt like improvising on piano, to put into terms to compare playing the piano and making a script. For example, choosing the genre is kind of like choosing what key you're going to play, if you start playing in another key, you might be able to pull it off, but it would be really hard. So just like that, when doing a certain genre, you have to stick with that genre rather than doing another one by accident. Then once you begin freestyling, it's just let your creativity flow through and change things up, do something unique that you might think would be cool. This, in my opinion, works exactly the same when script making, I felt like I was just letting my ideas spew out when deciding what to do for the movie, I also implemented many unique ideas. Finally, when I freestyle on piano, I also add in certain licks that I can pull out from different songs that I hear and change it up to add my own style to it, especially in jazz or anything that may involve piano. For film making, I can research what different films have done in their openings within the respecting genre and add into my own film with my own ideas changing it up a little bit.

This is a good example of a script and helped me with my script making: 

These are the pages for the script I made:

Thank you for reading my blog!!! Let's hope Barca wins this weekend, SOM-HI BARCA!!!

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