Sunday, March 2, 2025

Costume creation

 HELLO THERE!!!!!!!!! REAL MADRID LOST TODAY 2-1 TO REAL BETIS, ISCO, ONE OF MADRID'S EX PLAYERS CARRIED BETIS TO BEAT MADRID. On the other hand, Atletico Madrid beat Atletico Bilbao 1-0 causing Atletico Madrid to go into first place as of now and Real Madrid into third place. If Barca win tomorrow, we'd be clear of Real Madrid by 3 points and Atletico Madrid by one point. Anyways, today's topic is costume creation. Costumes play a big role within the setting and tone of a film. One wouldn't wear a bright pink shirt that says "Fri-yay" in a medieval film. The costume helps set the tone of a film just how the setting does. The use of costuming can also tell a story, for example, color on clothes may hint at things. For example, in the notebook, when Noah is eating with Allie's family, contrast is creating just based off of what they are wearing. Noah is wearing a black shirt while everyone else is white. This hints at the fact that Noah is different from everyone else as Allie's family is wealthy and Noah is on the lower-class side, this also causes him to stand out to the viewers.

This is a picture of the moment this scene happened.

The type of costume creation that we will implement:
Our film won't need too much use of costume creation, this is due to the fact as there are many characters with simple clothing styles, especially Leo's family. Leo too will have simple costuming; He usually wears darker clothes. The only costume that will be complicated is the costume for Erebus, we will either have to hand make a dark costume for Erebus that will fit, we already have a hat we might implement within our film, and we will also have some rips within Erebus's clothes. I might lend my suit pants that are currently sitting next to me this moment.

Thanks for reading my blog today!!! VISCA BARCA!!!!

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