Saturday, February 8, 2025

3 Film Openings Research

 Hello cambridge!! Today I will be studying 3 film openings for my blog today!!!

Smile 2: 

This opening scene is very interesting as it was all filmed in one shot, this caused it to be harder to make than what it really was. It also starts by showing key components of the previous film made by them. This opening scene starts out very rough with already threats of death and a final death at the end. The plan of the character that the opening is based off of is to pass on the curse to someone who deserves it and has done bad in their life.


This movie starts out with quick paced editing with the running happening as the guy chases the woman towards the beach. The camera pans as they run following the main subject throughout, as the woman enters the water it all becomes quiet and makes the viewer feel a sense of calmness yet suspense, the viewer knows there might be something about to happen since they know what movie they have come to watch but at the same time, the quietness of this part makes it feel soothing and calm also due to the scenic sunset. As it goes, the woman starts getting attacked, all of this happens in a shot where we can't see what's happening, yet we can see the woman being fumbled around the water screaming as she suffers. All while this happens the man is laying on the beach, hard to notice what happened to him but could have passed out due to being drunk as one of the things he says while chasing the woman is "I'm not drunk" while very seemingly looking drunk.


Its opening scene is very suspenseful and very graphic especially compared to the last two previously mentioned as part of what happens is Georgie gets killed by pennywise and eaten, it is very graphic, and discretion is advised when watching it. It starts off on a rainy night where Georgie is chasing a paper boat down the stream of a sewer line. By this point, the music and Georgie's laughing makes it seem very delightful. Then Georgie is running and slams his head into a road barrier that passes over the stream where the boat was, when this happens the music changes to a more powerful and loud type of music that makes it seem more suspenseful. What appears to be a pile of garbage disrupts this flow as it is in the way of the stream and the boat goes to a nearby drain on the other side which is a little bit further down. This is all mainly in long shots showing all of Georgie. Once Georgie gets to the drain the paper boat goes down the drain, by then we are met with someone in the drain. This certain someone is later known as pennywise. Pennywise then talks to Georgie asking him many questions most likely to gain his trust, he then picks up the boat and tells Georgie to grab it, once Georgie sticks his hand in the drain, Pennywise bites Georgie's whole arm off and Georgie is laying there in a puddle of blood in the rain. 

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