Monday, February 10, 2025

Group Meeting Blog Posts

Hello!!!! Sebas the Barca fan, TODAY REAL MADRID AND ATLETICO MADRID TIED, if Barca win, we go into first place!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, let's get started. On the day of Monday, the teacher had put us into groups with people of other teams that are working on the portfolio project as well. We got to talk about all of our ideas, we also received feedback on our ideas and what we could do or change, some ideas I got were really good. I also gave back good information in my opinion. During this group work, I felt really productive, I was able to learn what other groups are doing and also what I could be able to do on my own project!!!

I want to thank everyone in my group for the great ideas. One idea that really stuck out to me, is to maybe add a little bit of foreshadowing in the opening for a thing that might happen in the future. The reason it stuck out to me so much is due to the fact that it had been something I had thought of already implementing, so to see that someone else also believes I should add it is very reassuring. I will mention it to my portfolio project group and see whether or not they like the idea.

I also felt good helping everyone build their ideas out as well. Some of them had some really high achieving ideas, for example, one of them had a partner who knew CGI and wanted to implement it within their film opening. Knowing I had the creativity to help people build upon their ideas actually helped me also think about new ideas for my film opening due to the confidence I had then. 

One of our group partners also had done an idea which was very bland, we helped them build upon it more and make a better project than the one that they had already thought of, I hope it really helps each and every one of my group partners in this activity were able to build upon their ideas from this.

My own portfolio project teammates had also comeback with amazing ideas they had been given by their own groups. From here, we were able to change up the idea more and more and build our script around these ideas which we already had and ones that we had newly received

Overall, this group activity really did help me and hopefully my group partners build upon their own ideas.

THANKS FOR READING, let's hope for a Barca win Monday, even in Barca fashion, I learned the anthem on piano by ear!!!

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